Friday, May 10, 2013

One of my colleges wrote a thoughtful commentary on the issue being raised about increasing the number of surveillance cameras in operation. This post seems to echo the sentiment of many Americans who are concerned about their safety and wish to prevent future senseless attacks. However, I think that the hyper focus such tragedies create distract our thoughts from more meaningful solutions.

 Whether or not we should install more security cameras should not be the discussion. We can not only focus on building a bigger and better wall of protection. We will never be totally safe from the deranged thoughts of the human mind. But by turning inward instead of outward, maybe our society can come up with solutions that get to the root of the problem. Working to make our society more inclusive; providing real opportunities for education and meaningful work; giving our mental health professionals the resources they need to help those who are suffering...these are just a few of the many directions the collective conversation could be going in.  There is so much that we can be doing in a society to build up individuals into well adjusted, productive members of society.  That is where real safely lies.

 Fear is a powerful emotion. But when it rules a country, the inhabitants do not thrive. Growth and advancement is achieved only through seeing past fear to hope and using that hope to fuel action.

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